remake  4.3+dbg-1.5
Data Fields
rule Struct Reference

#include <rule.h>

Data Fields

struct rulenext
const char ** targets
unsigned int * lens
const char ** suffixes
struct depdeps
struct commandscmds
unsigned short num
char terminal
char in_use
gmk_floc floc
breakpoint_mask_t tracing

Field Documentation

◆ cmds

struct commands* rule::cmds

◆ deps

struct dep* rule::deps

◆ floc

gmk_floc rule::floc

◆ in_use

char rule::in_use

◆ lens

unsigned int* rule::lens

◆ next

struct rule* rule::next

◆ num

unsigned short rule::num

◆ suffixes

const char** rule::suffixes

◆ targets

const char** rule::targets

◆ terminal

char rule::terminal

◆ tracing

breakpoint_mask_t rule::tracing

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: