Set (set)

As with subobptions to info, or set, show subcommands can be abbreviated to any prefix that uniquely specifies them. For example set lis 5 is a valid abbreviation for info listsize 5 while set li is not since there is another subcommand (linetrace) which also starts with `li'.

set basename on|off

When showing filenames print only the basename. This option is useful in regression testing where the base file names are the same on different installations even though the directory path may be different. You may want to use this in other situations as well, like showing a debugger session in a manual such as this one.

set deftrace on|off

In contrast to the stock python debugger, we don't show or stop at `def' (method creation) lines by default, because this makes stepping more cumbersome. However should you want to change this, you can set this off.

set trace-commands on|off

Show lines as they are read from the debugger command file (or "source" debugger command). This is useful in running regression tests, but it may be helpful in tracking down a problem in your .pydbrc file.

set debug-pydb on|off

Set whether we allow tracing the debugger. This is used for debugging pydb and getting access to some of its object variables.

When debug-pydb is ``on'', the most recent side of the stack frame will be located somewhere in the debugger; you'll need to adjust the frame ``up'' to get where the program was before entering the debugger. (In some versions this and some situations frame 6 gets you out of the debugger and into the debugged program.

set fntrace on|off

If this is set on, every call and return of a function or method will be indicated with the nesting level. Return show the return type and/or value if the value is a scalar or string. By default this is off. Using the command-line option "--fntrace" when invoking pydb implicitly sets this on. For information on "--fntrace", see 1.1.1.

$ pydb --basename --fntrace gcd.py 4 10
--Call level 0 check_args()
(gcd.py:13):  check_args
+  13 def check_args():
--Return from level 0 (<type 'NoneType'>)
--Call level 0 gcd(a=4, b=10)
(gcd.py:24):  gcd
+  24 def gcd(a,b):
----Call level 1 gcd(a=6, b=4)
(gcd.py:24):  gcd
+  24 def gcd(a,b):
------Call level 2 gcd(a=2, b=4)
(gcd.py:24):  gcd
+  24 def gcd(a,b):
--------Call level 3 gcd(a=2, b=2)
(gcd.py:24):  gcd
+  24 def gcd(a,b):
--------Return from level 3 => 2 (<type 'int'>)
------Return from level 2 => 2 (<type 'int'>)
----Return from level 1 => 2 (<type 'int'>)
--Return from level 0 => 2 (<type 'int'>)
The GCD of 4 and 10 is 2

Adding function tracing output will slow down your program. Unless single stepping through a program, normally the debugger is called only at breakpoints or at the call and return of a function or method. However when line tracing is turned on, the debugger is called on execution of every statement.

set history filename filename

Set the filename in which to record the command history. (the list of previous commands of which a record is kept). The default file is ~/.pydbhist.

set history save on|off

Set saving of the history record on exit. Use ``on'' to enable the saving, and ``off'' to disable it. Without an argument, saving is enabled.

set history size number

Set the size of the command history, i.e. the number of previous commands to keep a record of. This defaults to the value of the environment variable HISTSIZE, or to 256 if this variable is not set.

set linetrace on|off

If this is set on, the position (file and line number) is shown before executing a statement. By default this is off. Using the command-line option "--trace" when invoking pydb implicitly sets this on. For information on "--trace", see 1.1.1.

$ pydb --basename --trace hanoi.py 2
(hanoi.py:2):  <module>
+  2 """Towers of Hanoi"""
(hanoi.py:3):  <module>
+  3 import sys
(hanoi.py:5):  <module>
+  5 def hanoi(n,a,b,c):
(hanoi.py:12):  <module>
+  12 if __name__=='__main__':
(hanoi.py:13):  <module>
+  13     i_args=len(sys.argv)
(hanoi.py:14):  <module>
+  14     if i_args != 1 and i_args != 2:
(hanoi.py:18):  <module>
+  18     n=3
(hanoi.py:20):  <module>
+  20     if i_args > 1:
(hanoi.py:21):  <module>
+  21       try: 
(hanoi.py:22):  <module>
+  22         n = int(sys.argv[1])
(hanoi.py:27):  <module>
+  27     if n < 1 or n > 100: 
(hanoi.py:31):  <module>
+  31     hanoi(n, "a", "b", "c")
--Call level 0 hanoi(n=2, a='a', b='b', c='c')
(hanoi.py:5):  hanoi
+  5 def hanoi(n,a,b,c):
(hanoi.py:6):  hanoi
+  6     if n-1 > 0:
(hanoi.py:7):  hanoi
+  7        hanoi(n-1, a, c, b) 
----Call level 1 hanoi(n=1, a='a', b='c', c='b')
(hanoi.py:5):  hanoi
+  5 def hanoi(n,a,b,c):
(hanoi.py:6):  hanoi
+  6     if n-1 > 0:
(hanoi.py:8):  hanoi
+  8     print "Move disk %s to %s" % (a, b)
Move disk a to c
(hanoi.py:9):  hanoi
+  9     if n-1 > 0:
----Return from level 1 (<type 'NoneType'>)
(hanoi.py:9):  hanoi
+  9     if n-1 > 0:
(hanoi.py:8):  hanoi
+  8     print "Move disk %s to %s" % (a, b)
Move disk a to b
(hanoi.py:9):  hanoi
+  9     if n-1 > 0:
(hanoi.py:10):  hanoi
+  10        hanoi(n-1, c, b, a) 
----Call level 1 hanoi(n=1, a='c', b='b', c='a')
(hanoi.py:5):  hanoi
+  5 def hanoi(n,a,b,c):
(hanoi.py:6):  hanoi
+  6     if n-1 > 0:
(hanoi.py:8):  hanoi
+  8     print "Move disk %s to %s" % (a, b)
Move disk c to b
(hanoi.py:9):  hanoi
+  9     if n-1 > 0:
----Return from level 1 (<type 'NoneType'>)
(hanoi.py:9):  hanoi
+  9     if n-1 > 0:
--Return from level 0 (<type 'NoneType'>)
(hanoi.py:10):  hanoi
+  10        hanoi(n-1, c, b, a) 
(hanoi.py:31):  <module>
+  31     hanoi(n, "a", "b", "c")
(<string>:1):  <module>

Adding linetracing output will slow down your program. Unless single stepping through a program, normally the debugger is called only at breakpoints or at the call and return of a function or method. However when line tracing is turned on, the debugger is called on execution of every statement.

That said, execution may still be pretty fast. If you want to slow down execution further, see the following option.

set linetrace delay time

One of the useful things you can do with this debugger if you run it via a front-end GUI is watch your program as it executes. To do this, use "set linetrace on" which prints the location before each Python statement is run. Many front-end GUIs like the one in GNU Emacs and ddd will read the location and update the display accordingly.

There is however one catch--Python runs too fast. So by using this option you can set a delay after each statement is run in order for GNU and your eyes to catch up with Python. Specify a floating point indicating the number of seconds to wait. For example:

set linetrace delay 0.5 # 1/2 a second

In my experience half a second is about right.

set listsize lines

Sets how many lines are shown by the list command. See 1.2.11.

set logging

Prints set logging usage.

set logging on|off

Enable or disable logging.

set logging file filename

By default, pydb output will go to both the terminal and the logfile. Set redirect if you want output to go only to the log file.

set logging overwrite on|off

By default, pydb will append to the logfile. Set overwrite if you want set logging on to overwrite the logfile instead.

set logging redirect on|off

By default, pydb output will go to both the terminal and the logfile. Set redirect if you want output to go only to the log file.

set prompt prompt-string

Set debugger's prompt string. By default it is "(Pydb) " with a trailing space. For information on how the prompt changes, see 1.2.1.

There's currently a bug in the code where specified trailing blanks specified. Furthermore the prompt may change in the future to add a history number. It is generally not advisable to change the prompt.

set sigcheck on|off

Turning this on causes the debugger to check after every statement whether a signal handler has changed from one of those that is to be handled by the debugger. Because this may add a bit of overhead to the running of the debugged program, by default it is set off. However if you want to ensure that the debugger takes control when a particular signal is encountered you should set this on.

set warnoptions [warnoption ...]

Set the Python warning options that are in effect when a program is started or restarted. On the command line, these are the -W options, e.g. -Werror, or -We::Deprecation. However the list should not contain the leading -W and options should be separated with white space only, e.g. don't use commas.


(Pydb) set warn error e::Deprecation
Warning options used in running a Python program:
	 -Werror, -We::Deprecation
(Pydb) set warnoptions
No warning options have been set.

set width columns

Set number of characters the debugger thinks are in a line.

We also change OS environment variable COLUMNS.

See About this document... for information on suggesting changes.